Frirst of all I'd like to welcome you to my bike page .For those of you using Netscape the scripts I have on these pages are suppose to work for you,unfortunatly for you the thumb nail pictures may not show up,so you won't be able to select any photos.So just minimise you browser and click the Internet Explorer Icon on your desktop and come back to fully enjoy the tour. I have been fortunate enough to be able to get 2 months off work for this ride,and have to be back to work the night of of Oct.5th, so I have decided to take my time and not worry about daily mileage and just enjoy the scenery and the experiance that a Transcontinital Bicycle Tours has to offer. So, in keeping with that philosophy Oct. 1st will be my last day of riding unless I am within 2 days of the East Coast. The reason for this is because my Hill climbing skills are sorly lacking and the mountains of the west are sure to slow me down a bit,therefore I will not kill myself to make a daily mileage but will stop when tired and a place to camp or a motel is handy.For all the folks at work that offered words of encoragment and even the one's who think I must be crazy, I hope you will check by this site often and drop me an E-Mail with any comments you may have,or suggestions of what you would like to see here. I hope to be able to update the site at the very least once a week and more often if possible.When I first started riding sometime around 1994 it was just for something to do and on short rails to trails rides. In Sept. of 1998 a friend mentioned about riding the C&O Canal from Cumberland, Maryland to Washington,D.C.,a distants of 184 miles.Having ridden the great distants of 24 miles at one time up to that point I of course said why not.Well the trip down the C&O was quite a challenge for me, after riding 55 miles and with 10 more to go the 1st day I wondered why I was doing this and would I make the last 10 miles for the day, and what about the next day.Well the 2nd day started slow and by the end of the day,to my surprise, I didn't feel too bad. On the 3rd day I felt pretty good and was bitten with long distants riding.The following year I made plans to ride from Pittsburgh,Pa. to D.C. on a self contained bicycle tour complete with camping..Once this trip was completed I was completly won over to Bicycle Touring. So now I will attempt a Trancontinental ride. On the following pages I hope to chronicle this tour with the route I take and pictures of this great land , The U.S.of A. My route will start in Oregon and swing north to Washington then head east to Idaho and Montana at which point I will turn south to Wyoming and Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana ,Ohio,and end near my home in Pennsylvania. BUT FOR NOW.........